How to Prevent IP, Cookie and Device Associations for Multi-Account Login?

While having multiple accounts for a particular platform is a necessity in today’s digital age, the question of how to prevent these accounts from becoming associated with each other, which can lead to blocking, is one that needs to be approached with care.

I. The main factors associated with multiple accounts

1. IP address

2. Cookie and cache

3. Device fingerprint

II. How to Prevent Associations?

(A) IP address anti-association

1. Use Proxy IP

Proxy IP can hide your real IP address and make each account appear to be from a different place. It is crucial to choose a reliable proxy service provider to ensure the stability and speed of the proxy.

Change proxy IPs regularly to avoid using the same IP address for a long period of time, which increases the risk of being detected as associated.

2. Avoid public networks

Network environments such as public Wi-Fi can easily be used by multiple people and the IP address may be shared by multiple accounts, leading to correlation. Try to use private networks or independent mobile data networks.

(B) Cookie anti-association

1. Regular cookie cleanup

Different accounts generate different cookies when using your browser, and by regularly cleaning up your browser’s cookies, you can prevent accounts from being associated with each other through cookies.

(C) Device anti-association

1. Change device information

For some accounts that need to be used on specific devices, you can try to change the information of the device, such as the device name and serial number. However, note that this method may have certain risks and requires careful operation.

2. Using Fingerprint Browser

Fingerprint Browser can simulate different device environments, allowing each account to run on a different physical device. This can effectively prevent device association.

III. How does VMLogin Fingerprint Browser prevent multiple accounts from being associated?

VMLogin Fingerprint Browser provides us with an effective solution to prevent multiple accounts from being associated with IP addresses, cookies and devices.

(i) IP address association prevention

VMLogin Fingerprint Browser has the ability to set up proxy servers. It allows users to easily switch between different IP addresses, and each account can be configured with an independent and stable IP address. In this way, the source of network connection between different accounts is completely different, which greatly reduces the risk of IP association being detected.

Users can choose IPs from different regions according to their needs, both domestic and foreign, to find the right option.

(ii) Cookie association prevention

VMLogin also does a great job of managing cookies. It creates separate browser environments for each account, and the cookies and caches in each environment are isolated from each other. This means that even if multiple accounts are used on the same device, they will not be associated with each other due to the presence of cookies and cache.

Users can switch between accounts without worrying about cookies leaking account information or causing associations. At the same time, VMLogin can also clean cookies regularly to keep the browser environment clean and tidy, further reducing the risk of association.

(iii) Device association prevention

Device anti-association is achieved by simulating different device fingerprints. VMLogin can modify various parameters of the browser fingerprints, such as screen resolution, fonts, plug-ins, etc., so that each account appears to be running on a different device.

In this way, even if multiple accounts are operated on the same physical device, the platform can still think that these accounts come from different devices. What’s more, VMLogin supports customized device fingerprints, so users can adjust it to their needs and be more flexible in dealing with various anti-association challenges.

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