Tips for Facebook Multiple Login Accounts and Anti-detection!

To get more traffic on Facebook, we will run a matrix operation. This requires logging into multiple Facebook accounts, and you need to make sure that these accounts are not judged to be associated with each other by Facebook.

I. Bulk running Facebook account

1. Login IP address:

(1) Make sure that each Facebook account login IP is pure, if there are multiple login accounts under one IP address, it will increase the risk of the account being blocked.

(2) Keep the IP address of each Facebook account is stable. Assuming that an account has always had a US IP and suddenly logs in from a UK IP, this will be perceived by the website as a foreign login, thus resulting in the account being logged out or prompting the need for the user to re-verify.

2. Login device:

The device login environment must be clean and separate for each Facebook account. If you use the same device, the website will read the hardware device fingerprint information of your same computer device, as well as some built-in fingerprint information on Google Chrome, such as UA, Canvas, WebGL, WebRTC, Audio, and so on. Changes or duplicate use of these fingerprint information can potentially affect account blocking.

3. Cookies cleanup:

Facebook tracks associations between accounts through cookies, so it’s important to keep cookies and caches isolated for each Facebook account.

II. Tips to prevent association

1. Don’t use the same cell phone number or email address:

When registering an account, try to avoid using the same cell phone number or email address, which will increase the risk of the account being associated.

2. Randomize account information:

When filling in account information, try to randomly generate some information, such as username, profile, etc., to reduce the correlation between accounts.

3. Use Fingerprint Browser + Proxy IP:

This is the easiest and most cost-effective way. VMLogin Fingerprint Browser is a browser that uses virtual profile technology to simulate the operating environment of multiple computers, and proxy IP can be integrated with the virtual environment created by Fingerprint Browser to realize that a computer has multiple independent IP addresses, device environments, and cookies, just like different users logging in to Facebook accounts on different computers, without being associated with each other. Facebook account on different computers, and will not be associated with each other.

This approach also has multiple benefits, such as users can utilize VMLogin browser automation, which supports a variety of automation tools and API interfaces to complete those repetitive and cumbersome workflows; in addition, within VMLogin, users can set up a master account and sub-accounts to manage the permissions of the profiles and after sharing and transferring the profiles to the members, all operations remain in the same account environment, and the browser environment will not change just because it is opened on another device, which maximizes the stability of the account.

In conclusion, Facebook is a large platform, so be careful to feed your account when logging in in bulk, operating your account in the matrix, and avoid posting politically sensitive content or content that may cause social disputes or racial confrontation, which may result in your Facebook account being banned.

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