Farming Facebook Accounts: Secrets of a Successful Launch

The constant locking of Facebook profiles requires an investment of both finances and time, which is a serious inconvenience to webmasters. We offer our own farming strategies that will extend the life of accounts and help achieve high ROI.

Theoretical Basis

Farming Facebook accounts involves registering profiles that are as close as possible to the real ones. This disguise allows you to pass moderation and avoid blocking.

The theoretical foundations of farm and methods of increasing the “life span” of Facebook accounts can be read in this article. AffCommunity has prepared an interesting material that we advise every webmaster to read.

The purpose of farming is to create trust accounts with the longest possible lifetime (it is desirable that it survived the advertising campaign). You cannot register a profile and immediately use it for advertising purposes. It is necessary to prove to Facebook that you are really a person who scrolls through feeds, likes, comments, subscribes to other users and channels.

Farmer profiles are created specifically for affiliate marketing. However, to use them you need to have patience for warming up and building trust. This can take quite a long time. If you buy warmed profiles, there is always a risk of getting in touch with an unscrupulous seller.

What Will be Required for Farming?

So, to create Facebook profiles that can theoretically earn trustworthiness, you need to:

  • working emails;
  • photos, a few pieces can be published in the feed at once;
  • proxy from a trusted service;
  • anti-detect browser.

How to Farm Manually?

To disguise accounts as real ones, use the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Building up cookies – visit a variety of sites, any that you are interested in, subscribe, sign up for a variety of services. All this will help to form a digital footprint. It is desirable, dial about 100–150 cookies from different resources. If “cookies” will not be, the profile will be marked by the system, further it will mark you as a fraudster. Blocking of accounts in this case will be inevitable.
  2. Registration – after creating profiles, it is important to let them mature, which will take at least 2–4 days. You can register in any way (either through the Facebook site itself or through third-party resources). In the latter case, it is necessary to find a site through which you can register on Facebook. It is believed that this adds trustworthiness.
  3. Account masking – it is important to do everything correctly, do not rush to start an advertising campaign immediately one minute after registering a profile. Fill out the profile completely, it is important not to leave any of the fields. Photos are best taken from other social networks.
  4. Actions – start subscribing to groups, people, commenting on posts, liking, playing different games. It is even recommended to post several posts. But in activity the main thing is not to overdo it. Everything should be done gradually, in this case it is more likely that the system will take you for a real person. Do not violate the limits on likes (no more than 20) and subscriptions (no more than 4 reposts).
  5. Creating a Fan Page – you should do this only on the 7th-10th day after you start advertising. To do this, you need to select the appropriate category. It is important to ensure that the avatar, page name, preview in the language of the locale from which traffic will be attracted. This will not only help to increase the reputation on the part of Facebook, but also increase the trust of potential customers.
  6. Install the Business Manager – it is available exclusively to users who are considered reliable. If it cannot be connected, it is worth continuing to warm up.
  7. Bind the card – it is best to do it at least on the 10th day. Trusted users can even bind virtual cards.
  8. Advertising – only after that you should run ads with subscriptions, reaches, likes. The budget should be 2-5$ per day.
  9. Publishing creatives on Fan Page.

There is no single strategy that guarantees 100% success. Everything depends on your efforts and the amount of time spent. Adjust your strategy to current changes, make constant personal observations. However, it is important to remember that it takes at least 3 weeks to create a well-farmed profile. The main rule is to take your time.

If your FB account has been banned, we advise you to read the unbanning guide prepared by AffCommunity at the link.

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