How to Break Account Multi-Login Association, Fingerprinting and IP Blocking?

For cross-border business, issues such as multiple account logins, Fingerprinting and IP blocking often bother many users. So, how can these problems be solved safely?

I. What are account multi-login association, fingerprinting and IP blocking?

1. Multi-login association: When the same user logs into the same account on multiple devices at the same time, or uses multiple accounts to perform similar operations, the platform may detect such behavior and consider it risky. For example, on some e-commerce platforms, if a seller uses multiple accounts to perform operations, it may be determined as account multi-registration association.

2. Fingerprinting: This is a technology that identifies users by collecting and analyzing information about the characteristics of their devices, such as browser type, operating system, screen resolution, plug-ins, and so on. The platform can use fingerprint identification to determine whether it is the same user operating at different times or on different devices, thus preventing fraud and abuse.

3. IP Blocking: When a user’s behavior is deemed by the Platform to be in violation of regulations or a security risk, the Platform may block the user’s IP address. This means that the User will not be able to access the Platform from that IP address until the block is lifted.

II. How to solve multiple login association, fingerprinting and IP blocking?

1. Avoid multiple account logins:

(1) Try not to log in the same account on multiple devices at the same time, especially when performing sensitive operations.

(2) If you need to use more than one account, make sure that the operation behavior of each account is clearly differentiated to avoid similar patterns.

(3) Clear the cache and cookies on your device regularly to minimize the risk of detection by the platform.

2. Coping with fingerprinting:

(1) Use different browsers or browser configurations, as different browsers may have different fingerprinting characteristics.

(2) Avoid performing sensitive operations in public network environments, as public networks may be more easily monitored by the Platform.

3. Solve the problem of IP blocking:

(1) If the IP is blocked due to misuse, you can contact the customer service of the platform to explain the situation and request to unblock it.

(2) Use a proxy server to change the IP address, but be careful to choose a legal and reliable service provider and avoid using illegal proxy tools, so as not to bring more risks.

(3) Comply with the rules of the platform and avoid illegal operations to minimize the possibility of being banned.

III. The most efficient solution to account multi-login association, fingerprinting and IP blocking

Fingerprint Browser is one of the ideal solutions. VMLogin Fingerprint Browser is a tool for cross-border users to simulate different devices by creating a virtual browser on one computer to achieve the purpose of account multi-login anti-association.

1. Isolated accounts: VMLogin can generate multiple independent and isolated browser profiles. Cookies, local storage and other cache files of each browser profile will be completely isolated, and the browser profiles cannot leak information to each other, isolating multiple accounts.

2. Prevent fingerprinting: VMLogin handles browser fingerprints in the most primitive way, by modifying browser fingerprints to form new “mask fingerprints”, allowing websites to read the mask fingerprints and preventing the real fingerprints from being recognized.

3. Setting independent IP: VMLogin allows users to configure independent IP addresses for each browser profile and account environment, allowing users to customize IP addresses. When an IP address is blocked, you can switch to another IP address, and at the same time, you can access global websites without any problems, breaking through the IP regional restrictions.

New users who sign up for VMLogin can receive a 3-day free trial package!

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