Auxiliary Start Setting

The "Auxiliary Start" settings of VMLogin Antidetect Browser is Mainly used for some pre-operations, examples:

1. Open a proxy program to set the port, in this way, it can open the proxy that needs to be used before starting the browser;

2. Copy and paste the local chrome bookmark to the browser needs to be launched;

3. Load data information in the plug-in, etc.

Example: Copy and paste the local Chrome bookmarks parameter to the browser to be launched:

cmd.exe /c copy "C:\Users\VMLogin\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks" "D:\VMLogin\.Profiles\000E77D3-127E-4BDC-AR6E-DC03B78A0EDC\Default\" /y


The first path is the local bookmark path;

The second one is the VMLogin configuration file path.