Customize Referrer

Referrer refers to a field called “Referrer” that is automatically added by the browser to the request header of an HTTP request, which contains information about which page the user is currently visiting is linked from. For example, when a user clicks on a link from page A to page B, the HTTP request for page B will contain a Referrer field, whose value is the URL address of page A.

VMLogin version (130 & 131 kernel) supports to customize Referrer to disguise the source URL information, and also supports to customize the apppackagename.

The setting parameters are as follows:

apppackagename to vmlogin, url to facebook and browserleaks:

1. When --url-jump= is passed, the page will automatically redirect: --url-mon= --url-jump=

Note: The url of --url-mon= can be set as the default homepage in the browser profile settings. The url will be loaded automatically when the browser is launched. If it is not set, you need to enter the url manually when the browser is launched.

2. If --url-jump= is not provided, you need to manually enter the jump page: --url-mon=