createProfileRequest Introduction


    "name": "myProfile", // Basic setup -> Display name
    "notes": "profile notes", // Basic setup -> Note
    "iconId": 0, // Basic setup -> ICON: 0 ~ 30
    "os": "Windows", // Basic setup -> System
    "proxyServer": {
        "setProxyServer": false, // Basic setup -> Setting proxy server -> Enable proxy server
        "type": "HTTP", // Basic setup -> Setting proxy server -> Proxy type (HTTP/SOCKS4/SOCKS5/HTTPS)
        "host": "", // Basic setup -> Setting proxy server -> IP address
        "port": "8080", // Basic setup -> Setting proxy server -> Port
        "username": "hello", // Basic setup -> Setting proxy server -> Username
        "password": "world", // Basic setup -> Setting proxy server -> Password
        "urlIndex": 0 // Basic setup -> Setting proxy server -> Detect URL  0:lumtest  1:VMLogin
    "secChUaHeaders": { // SEC-CH-UA(Client Hints) Headers
        "platformVer": "\"14.0.0\"", // SEC-CH-UA-Platform-Version
        "bitness": "\"64\"", // SEC-CH-UA-Bitness
        "fullVersion": "\"97.0.4758.102\"", // SEC-CH-UA-Full-Version
        "model": "", // SEC-CH-UA-Model
        "secChUa": "\" Not;A Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"97\", \"Chromium\";v=\"97\"", // SEC-CH-UA
        "type": "AUTO", // setup  automatic mode:"AUTO"    off mode:"OFF"    custom settings:"FAKE"
        "architecture": "\"x86\"", // SEC-CH-UA-Architecture
        "platform": "\"Windows\"", // SEC-CH-UA-Platform
        "mobile": "?1", // SEC-CH-UA-Mobile
        "wow64": "?0" // SEC-CH-UA-WoW64
    "webRtc": {
        "type": "FAKE", // Basic setup -> WebRTC  OFF:[real mode] enable webrtc plug-in;  BLOCK:[disable mode A] disable webrtc plug-in;  FAKE:[replacement mode] return to the specified IP add;  BLOCKB:[disable mode B] disable webrtc plug-in(ALL);
        "fillOnStart": true, // Basic setup -> Auto detect IP
        "wanSet": true, // Basic setup -> Public IP SET
        "lanSet": true, // Basic setup -> Lan IP SET
        "publicIp": "", // Basic setup -> Public IP
        "localIps": [
            "" // Basic setup -> Lan IP
        "localIpsRand": false // Basic setup -> Lan IP random
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.102 Safari/537.36", // Navigator parameters -> User-Agent
    "screenWidth": 1920, // Navigator parameters -> Resolution width
    "screenHeight": 1080, // Navigator parameters -> Resolution height
    "langHdr": "en-US", // Navigator parameters -> Language
    "acceptLanguage": "en-US,en;q=0.9", // Navigator parameters -> Accept-Language
    "platform": "Win32", // Navigator parameters -> Platform
    "product": "Gecko", // Navigator parameters -> Product
    "appName": "Netscape", // Navigator parameters -> appName
    "hardwareConcurrency": 4, // Navigator parameters -> hardwareConcurrency (2, 4, 8, 16)
    "mobileEmulation": false, // Navigator parameters -> mobileEmulatior
    "deviceType": 1, // Navigator parameters -> Device Type  0: Desktop  1: Mobile
    "hideWebdriver": false, // Navigator parameters -> hideWebdriver
    "langBasedOnIp": false, // Navigator parameters -> langBasedOnIp
    "doNotTrack": false, // Navigator parameters -> doNotTrack
    "deviceMemory": 8, // Navigator parameters -> deviceMemory (1 ~ 32)
    "pixelRatio": "1.0", // Navigator parameters -> Device pixel Ratio
    "maskFonts": true, // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> Enable [font] fingerprint protection
    "fontSetting": {
        "dynamicFonts": false, // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> Set font -> Do not use font list, every time dynamic random (false: use  true: Do not use)
        "fontList": [
            "@Microsoft YaHei UI",
            "MS Outlook"
        "selectAll": false, // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> Set font -> Select all
        "clientRects": true, // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> Set font -> ClientRects fingerprint protection
        "rand": false // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> Set font -> Random font
    "canvasDefType": "NOISEB", // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> [Canvas] fingerprint protection(type):Noise mode A(NOISEA) | blocking mode(BLOCK) | Noise mode B(NOISEB) | Noise mode C(NOISEC) | | Noise mode D(NOISED) disable(OFF)
    "audio": {
        "noise": true // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> Enable [AudioContext] fingerprint protection (noise mode)
    "webgl": {
        "imgProtect": true, // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> [WebGL]Image Protection
        "noise": true, // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> [WebGL] Metadata
        "vendor": "Google Inc. (AMD)", // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> Enable [WebGL] fingerprint protection -> WebGL vendor
        "renderer": "ANGLE (AMD, Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0, D3D11-27.20.12029.1000)" // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> Enable [WebGL] fingerprint protection -> WebGL renderer
    "webglInfo": { // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> WebGL Info 
        "UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL": "Google Inc. (AMD)",
        "UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL": "ANGLE (AMD, Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0, D3D11-27.20.12029.1000)"
    "timeZoneFillOnStart": false, // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> Enable setting time zone based on IP
    "timeZone": "Europe/Tallinn", // Advanced fingerprint protection settings -> Set timezone
    "mediaDevices": { // Media device fingerprint setting
        "setMediaDevices": true, // Media device fingerprint setting -> Number of custom media devices
        "use_name": false, // Media device fingerprint setting -> Set device name
        "videoInputs": 1,  // Media device fingerprint setting -> Video input  (Value range 0 ~ 1)
        "audioInputs": 2,  // Media device fingerprint setting -> Audio input  (Value range 0 ~ 4)
        "audioOutputs": 4, // Media device fingerprint setting -> Audio output (Value range 0 ~ 4)
        | -------------------------------------------------------------------
        |  Updates or randomizes all or specified media device information.
        | -------------------------------------------------------------------
        | example 1: Randomizes all media device parameters
        |  "rand": true
        | example 2: All device parameters of the specified media device are rerandomized (The device parameters of an unspecified media device will not be changed)
        |  "rand": {
        |      "videoInputs": true
        |  }
        | example 3: Re randomizes the specified device parameters (unspecified device parameters will not be changed)
        |  "rand": {
        |      "videoInputs": {
        |          "device1": true
        |      }
        |  }
        | example 4: Re edit the specified device parameters (unspecified device parameters will not be changed)
        |  "rand": {
        |      "videoInputs": {
        |          "device1": {
        |              "label": "label value",
        |              "deviceId": "deviceId value",
        |              "groupId": "groupId value"
        |          }
        |      }
        |  }
        "rand": {
            "videoInputs": true,
            "audioInputs": { // The number of media devices and device number must be logically reasonable in order to be updated successfully. For example: WHEN audioInputs = 2, THEN device3 & device4 Cannot update, Edit also
                "device1": { // √
                    "label": "label value",
                    "deviceId": "deviceId value",
                    "groupId": "groupId value"
                "device2": true, // √
                "device3": true, // x
                "device4": true  // x
            "audioOutputs": {
                "device1": true,
                "device3": true,
                "device4": {
                    "label": "label value",
                    "deviceId": "deviceId value",
                    "groupId": "groupId value"
    "startUrl": "", // Other -> Home page
    "kernelVer": "100", // Other -> Kernel ver
    "restoreSession": true, // Other -> On startup Continue where you left off
    "browserSettings": {
        "pepperFlash": false, // Other configurations -> Enable Pepper Flash
        "mediaStream": true, // Other configurations -> Enable media (WebRTC audio/video) streaming
        "webkitSpeech": true, // Other configurations -> Enable speech input (x-webkit-speech)
        "fakeUiForMedia": true, // Other configurations -> Bypass the media stream infobar by selecting the default device for media streams
        "gpuAndPepper3D": true, // Other configurations -> Enable the GPU plugin and Pepper 3D rendering
        "ignoreCertErrors": false, // Other configurations -> ignore certificate errors
        "audioMute": false, // Other configurations -> Mutes audio
        "disableWebSecurity": false, // Other configurations -> Don't enforce the same-origin policy
        "disablePdf": false, // Other configurations -> Disable the PDF extension
        "touchEvents": false, // Other configurations -> Enable support for touch event feature detection
        "hyperlinkAuditing": true, // Other configurations -> Send hyperlink auditing pings in all browsers.
        "abortImage": false, // Other configurations -> Prohibit loading images (After opening, the browser will not load images, improving speed and saving traffic. [] version support)
        "abortImageMaxSize": 0, // Other configurations -> Block images over _ KB to save traffic. ([] version support)
        "abortMedia": false // Other configurations -> Prohibit automatic video playback/preloading (After opening, automatic video playback and preloading will be disabled, and non-standard formats may be invalid. [] version support)
    "localCache": {
        "deleteCache": false, // Other configurations -> Local cache -> Delete cache file before starting browser every time
        "deleteCookie": false, // Other configurations -> Local cache -> Delete cookies before each browser launch
        "clearCache": false, // Other configurations -> Local cache -> Clean up file cache when browser is closed
        "clearHistory": false // Other configurations -> Local cache -> Delete the history when the browser is closed
    "synSettings": {
        "synCookie": false, // Other configurations -> Synchronization settings -> cookies storage
        "synExtend": false, // Other configurations -> Synchronization settings -> extend data
        "synBookmark": false, // Other configurations -> Synchronization settings -> bookmark saving
        "synHistory": false, // Other configurations -> Synchronization settings -> history saving
        "synExtension": false, // Other configurations -> Synchronization settings -> Extension storage
        "synKeepKey": false, // Other configurations -> Synchronization settings -> password saving
        "synLastTag": false // Other configurations -> Synchronization settings -> Last Tabs saving
    "leakProof": {
        "computerName": "", // Other configurations -> Leak proof setting -> Computer name
        "macAddress": "", // Other configurations -> Leak proof setting -> Mac address
        "rand" : [
            "computerName",  // Other configurations -> Leak proof setting -> Rand(Random key names are required)
    "browserParams": "", // Other configurations -> Custom -> Custom launch browser parameters
    "customDns": "", // Other configurations -> Custom -> Custom DNS
    "remoteDebug": {
        "bindAllDebug": false, // Other configurations -> RemoteDebugging -> Port binging
        "debuggingPort": "", // Other configurations -> RemoteDebugging -> RemoteDebugging port
        "logLevels": 99 // Other configurations -> RemoteDebugging -> Log Severity:0:DEFAULT 1: VERBOSE 99: DISABLE
    "pluginFingerprint": { // Plugin fingerprint -> Plugin list
        "pluginEnable": false, // Plugin fingerprint -> Enable custom plug-in information
        "list": { // Plugin fingerprint -> Plugin list(selected)
            // Plugin name
            "name": [
                "Chrome PDF Plugin",
                "Chrome PDF Viewer",
                "Native Client",
                "Shockwave Flash"
            // Describe
            "describe": [
                "Portable Document Format",
                "Shockwave Flash 32.0 r0"
            // File name
            "fileName": [
            // mime type
            "mimeType": [
            // Mime description
            "mimeDescription": [
                "Portable Document Format",
                "Native Client Executable|-Portable Native Client Executable",
                "Shockwave Flash|Shockwave Flash"
            // Mime extension
            "mimeExtension": [
    "unPluginFingerprint": { // Plugin fingerprint -> Plugin list
        "list": { // Plugin fingerprint -> Plugin list(unselected)
            "name": [
            "describe": [
            "fileName": [
            "mimeType": [
            "mimeDescription": [
            "mimeExtension": [
    "browserApi": { // Navigator API
        "setBatteryStatus": false, // Set Battery Status API
        "isCharging": true, // Battery charging
        "chargingTime": "0", // Battery charging time ("0" "Infinity")
        "drainsTime": "Infinity", // Battery discharging time ("Infinity" "3600" "18000" "10800" "12600")
        "batteryPercentage": "1", // Battery level (0.01 ~ 1)
        "autoGeoIp": false, // Geolocation -> Fill geolocation based on IP
        "setLatitude": false, // Geolocation -> Latitude
        "setLongitude": false, // Geolocation -> Longitude
        "setAccuracy": false, // Geolocation -> Accuracy
        "latitude": "51.482594", // Geolocation -> Latitude value
        "longitude": "-0.007661", // Geolocation -> Longitude value
        "accuracy": "1803.34", // Geolocation -> Accuracy(meter)
        "setWebBluetooth": false, // Set Web Bluetooth API
        "setBluetoothAdapter": false, // Bluetooth Adapter
        "speechSynthesis": false, // Set SpeechSynthesis API
        "speechVoicesList": { // Speech Voices List(Enable)
            "voiceURI": [
                "voiceURI value 1", // string
                "voiceURI value 2"
            "name": [
                "name value 1", // string
                "name value 2"
            "lang": [
                "lang value 1", // string
                "lang value 2"
            "localService": [
                false, // boolean
            "default": [
                true, // boolean
        "unSpeechVoicesList": { // Speech Voices List(Disable)
            "voiceURI": [
                "voiceURI value 3"
            "name": [
                "name value 3"
            "lang": [
                "lang value 3"
            "localService": [
            "default": [
        "speechVoicesRestoreDefault": true // Speech Voices Restore Default ( true OR "windows" = Restore default PC | "iphone" = Restore default iPhone | "mac" = Restore default Mac )
    "sslFingerprint":{ // SSL fingerprint settings
        "enableCustomSSL": false, // Enable custom SSL fingerprinting
        "versionMin": 0, // SSL Version min  0:TLSv1    1:TLSv1.1    2:TLSv1.2    3:TLSv1.3
        "versionMax": 1, // SSL Version max  0:TLSv1.2  1:TLSv1.3
        "cipherSuites": {
            "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256": true,
            "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384": true,
            "TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256": true,
            "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256": true,
            "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256": true,
            "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384": true,
            "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384": true,
            "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256": true,
            "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256": true,
            "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA": true,
            "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA": true,
            "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256": true,
            "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384": true,
            "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA": true,
            "TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA": true,
            "TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA": false,
            "TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA": false
    "otherProtection": { // Other protection -> Open port sacn protection
        "setPortScan": true, // Other protection -> Open port sacn protection
        "localPortsExclude": "" // Other protection -> Whitelist list of specific ports 8000,12345,42069
    "header": { // Header
        "setHeaderCustom": true, // Header -> Enable header customization
        "list": { // Header -> Header List
            "enable": [
            "name": [
                "name 1",
                "name 2",
                "name 3",
                "name 4"
            "value": [
                "value 1",
                "value 2",
                "value 3",
                "value 4"
            "urlMatch": [
                "urlMatch 1",
                "urlMatch 2",
                "urlMatch 3",
                "urlMatch 4"
            "notExistAdd": [
    "cmdcfg": { // Auxiliary startup
        "openCommandLine": false, // Auxiliary startup -> Run the command line before starting the browser
        "commandLine": "", // Auxiliary startup -> Command Line
        "closeCommandLine": true // Auxiliary startup -> The browser is closed to terminate the command line process
    "tag": "group_name" // Group Name